Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2016

5 Getting Started Before Opening Your Own Business and Become a Successful Entrepreneur

Do you know how to Unlock Your Business ?

 The same as self-employed entrepreneurs, namely intelligent people or gifted to identify new products, determine how new production, preparing the operation for the procurement of new products, market, and manage the set of capital operations.

Today we know that no match job vacancies with job search where an impact on unemployment everywhere. Here we will study the first step before opening his own business.

1. The idea of ​​business (Ide usaha) 
Business idea is essential before starting a business, it is very impossible to start a business without any business idea before.

2. The business plan (Rencana Usaha) 
Once you have managed to find a perfect idea for the next venture business plan becomes a very important thing for you to think carefully before starting the business. 

3. Observations Environment (Survei) 
The next step you should do is survey or observation of the surrounding environment.survei or observations conducted to determine the environmental conditions around, if you set up businesses denagn supportive environment and minimal competitors can bet that if your business is ready to skyrocket. 

4. Preparation of business (Persiapan usaha dengan baik)   
Before opening a business you also need to prepare for your own business like the tools necessary for your business logo or name for your own business. 

5. Action (Aksi / memulai usaha) 
Once you are done with these four steps to start a business, now is the time your action.action is the final step in starting your business, which means you have entered into a gate ready for competition with the other person or company.  

Enough to share, remember that we run any business must be lawful and beneficial for many people, so many times this information may be useful for so much and thank.

Minggu, 09 Oktober 2016

suggest and offer | Bahasa Inggris

Apakah kaian tahu perbedaan Suggest and Offer ?

Suggest (Saran)  

Suggest also a verb or a verb in the English language, but suggest meaning suggests, instead of offering objects or something.
(Suggest juga merupaka verb atau kata kerja dalam bahasa inggris, namun suggest memiliki arti menyarankan, bukan menawarkan benda atau suatu hal)

Contoh katanya seperti :
  • Let's (mari)
  • why don't (kenapa tidak)
  • how about (bagaimana)
  • I suggest (saya menyarankan)
  • I think (saya pikir)

Contoh kalimat :
  • I suggest you to come home (aku menyarankan mu untuk pulang)
  • why did you not learn (mengapa amu tidak belajar?)
  • I suggest you a job (aku menyarankan kamu sebuah pekerjaan)
  • why we do not eat (mengapa kita tidak makan?)
  • let's go to the park (Ayo pergi ketaman)
  • I think you need a lot of prayer (Saya pikir kamu harus banyak berdoa)

Offer (Tawaran)

Offer is the verb form or verb in the English language, offer meaningful offer either offer goods or services.
(Offer merupakan bentuk verb atau kata kerja dalam bahasa inggris, offer memiliki arti menawarkan baik menawarkan barang atau jasa)

Contoh katanya seperti :
  • Can I ? (Bisa saya?)
  • Shall I ? (Akan saya ?)
  • Would you like (anda ingin)
  • How about (Bagaimana tentang)
  • I will ? (saya akan?)

Contoh kalimat : 
  • Can I take help you with someting (Dapatkah saya membantu anda dengan sesuatu)
  • Can I help you (Bolehkah aku membantumu)
  • Shall I bring a book for you (akan saya membawa sebuah buku untuk anda)
  • would you like a glass of water (Anda ingin segelas air?)
  • I can offer you my job (aku dapat menawarkan kamu pekerjaan ku)